Thursday, November 20, 2014

I Have a Dream ... and a Nightmare

If your heart is in your dream
No request is too extreme
When you wish upon a star
As dreamers do
Disney - When You Wish Upon A Star

I have over the years had the most annoying foosball nightmare. I am excited to be finally at a big event. I have an anxious feeling inside, the butterflies which seem to start to bubble up whenever I am going to play foosball. Over my 41 years of playing while the scenery changes and the tables come and go, one thing which is undeniable is the great feeling I get when I am heading to see my extended family of foosers both young and old. 2nd and 3rd generation’s gathering at the event for the competitive spirit, as well as the chance to reconnect with friends we haven’t seen in a while.
Sadly our sport is not underwritten by corporate sponsors and the money we play for is our own. We are even ok with paying someone out of our winnings to organize and run the event just so we get the chance to show up in what for me has become my church.

The Nightmare always begins the same at an event somewhere and just minutes away from playing my first match, when something goes horribly wrong. A door leads to the outside and I am unable to find a way back, or the tables are missing parts and I am unable to get the endorphin rush of grabbing my mistress by her handles and letting her know how much I have missed her.
I awake disappointed that there is no tourney to rush to no communion with my foos family. I am instead in the moment thankful feeling for being able to play the sport which has become for me the very core of who I am. It identifies me and when people ask what do you do for a living I enjoy telling them I play foosball for living and I do whichever job offers me the ability to leave home as often as possible to commune with what has become some of the best friends I could ever wish for .

Having a son at 20 there was seldom the money to afford to go play as I wanted yet often I would push bill paying off and go play on borrowed money just to get my fix of my drug of choice foos fueled adrenaline. Knowing full well that even if, I exceed all my expectations for play, I would have a hard time breaking even yet alone coming out ahead. It was ok more work when I get back more planning for the next event and hoping that somehow the money would work its way out. It seldom did but what can I say its lure was too strong to resist.

I have sometimes put the game before responsibilities to family and career but, I had a dream that one day there would be a return to the heyday of the sport where thousands traveled and competed in events paying out cars and big money and all I had to do was keep heading towards that goal with the childlike faith of people much smarter than me. To push my foosball dream forward, when others roll their eyes, I would begin to preach my foosball gospel to anyone who would listen. The benefits of the sport / the equality between size and gender and some incredible people I have met along the way.

People like Stan Palowski a fierce competitor who I have had the pleasure of battling with in the northeast part of our country for many years now. Stan possesses a high level of skill and a heart and determination which strikes fear in many players. Despite the fact that he rolls up to the table in a wheelchair he designed to allow him to compete. Anyone who witnesses the way Stan handles himself both on and off the table comes away with admiration and respect.  I feel lucky to have him as a friend.

When you start to play on tour is can be a very lonely and difficult task in order to get good players to partner with you. They have to know you are a good player and for most of the players, they also require you be a good person. We can’t afford to hire people to referee so we for the most part use the honor system. If a penalty occurs most players are quick to agree instead of the childish antics which television seems to showcase to garner ratings. 

We have been given a thousand reasons why it won’t work on TV and a hundred obituaries for foosball and how it soon will be over, finding tournaments and competition will have gone the way of stone tablets. I have a few words I would like to express now  in fact just 4 for the naysayers and critics.


I am writing this now as I begin my journey representing Team Warrior at the 2014 $25000 Colorado State Championships. I am not sweating how I will pay for it or which Peter will be robbed to pay Paul. I am happy to be able to work at foosball 24/7. I am proud to be a part of the team which will change the face of foosball forever. I am going to the tournament with some great partners in place and one primary objective for the weekend. Expose the foosball public to a table that is a great value and lowers the bar to entry for families around the world.

Imagine that, not trying to impress a better player with my toolbox of trick shots hoping I can somehow partner up and return with more money than I left with. Not traveling with a grill and blender and scurrying around to find a place to shop to keep the budget low. Not being disappointed by finding out the “maybe if I don’t find a better player” partner has in fact found a better player. Now my boss wants me to have a good time enjoy the fruits of my half days of work

(9 am to 9 pm is a half day isn't it?)

Act as an ambassador of the sport ,enjoy the Colorado air and have one primary objective one goal one focus for the event.



I met a man who shared with me his foosball nightmare. A nightmare so different from mine it is astounding to me how destiny has put us on a collision course to an improved foosball future.
This man’s nightmare is much like my reality. He goes to the room to play in a tournament and tries to get a partner for an event. Problem is that no one will play with him. He is brash and confident and doesn't understand why nobody will play with him. He has skill; he has talent, quick hands, and grabs the ball like nobody’s business. He even tries to get a hotel staffer to play and gets the same reply. Not only NO but what kind of alternate universe do you live in roll of the eyes. Checking from one to another he asks everyone to no avail and wakes in a cold sweat.

Thankful he is still who he is his, hands are still able to grab the rods again he lives to play again.  He is able to return to the life of having people ask him to play. Players beg him to play, agreeing to carry his bags, and even offering to sponsor him to play. Yeah,his reality is not the one I have been living in.  I am often begging people who can’t play to play just so I get to practice to get better. 

While our nightmares differ wildly, both of us feel the same sense of loss and emptiness when we wake up and realize there is no event to play. 

We have both awake in a cold sweat because we were kept from our first true love Foosball. 

We smile knowing we will see her and be anxious to grab her handles once again

Who is the holder of this other nightmare?

Who is it whose heart would be broken by only one thing, the inability to play this silly game?

Who is this new for me foosball hero, legend and highly valued newest friend for life?

Tune in next time …..

Please share any foosball nightmares you may have… The best will win a one of a kind special prize